
All our resources are free to use and we encourage you to do so! Using these resources will make you a better Game Master and create a better culture at your club or event.

Picture of people playing games at the NMD Launch

Community Building

Whether you play RPGs, wargames, or a bit of both, we can work together to make an inclusive community. We have sample Codes of Conduct, an Anti-Racism Guide, world building resources and more.

Lego Minifigs being used in a DnD game

Role Playing Games

We’ve got tools to help you ensure your RPG games are as inclusive as possible. This includes table tools, guides for first time players and first time GMs, and more.

Angels of Purification model painted by TJ (IG:  @adeptusnerdicus)


Wargaming can cover anything from model painting to game play. Find resources here including a guide to miniature painting, a female space marine unit and more.